Thursday, September 4, 2008



I've just come to the conclusion that fashion is not only wearable pieces, its Art!. So today I am going to show you a few wearable art pieces in the form of shoes. First off art is defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in the visual form such as painting, or sculpture, producing works to be produced primarily for their beauty or their emotional power. With this said, all that, describes the shoes created by various underground designers. One person that I came across who was very interesting was a guy by the name of John Ashford. His designs consist of truly thought out art and has transformed them by painting them on shoes. Now anyone can paint on a shoe but this man's efforts are beyond belief wit such intricate detail I can clearly see why he's becoming very popular by the minute. Just look at some of his lovely designs.
1) Photobucket

All of these intricate pieces can be found at his website
Let the creativity keep flowing. Until next time shoe-aholics!

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